geek leak

geek (gēk) n. A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits.
leak (lēk) v. To allow to become known; disclose information.
geek leak (gēk lēk) n. The humble musings of a mild-mannered geek.

Home Leaks People

Home Buyers need an EBA

Written by The Geek on 2011-10-18   

I recently purchased my first home.  Home ownership, as I have learned, can be both challenging and rewarding.  Shopping for a home was somewhat difficult, because I was living in South Florida, and looking for houses in Northern Georgia.  I first tried using a Real Estate Agent who was in the area I wanted to move, but she quickly became slow to respond and not very eager to assist.  I needed help. And thats when I learned about NAEBA.